Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher 9kg
Standard dry powder extinguishers are also called ‘ABC’ extinguishers because they tackle class A, B and C fires, however they are not recommended for use in enclosed spaces. This is because the powder can be easily inhaled, and also the residue is very difficult to clean up after. ABC powder extinguishers can also be used on some electrical fires. Specialist dry powder extinguishers are used for flammable metals.
Dry powder extinguishers smother fires by forming a barrier between the fuel and the source of oxygen.
UPC | SF302142 |
Model Number | SF302142 |
SKU | SF302142 |
Use for:
– Organic materials such as:
o Paper and cardboard
o Fabrics and textiles
o Wood and coal
– Flammable liquids, like paint and petrol
– Flammable gases, like liquid petroleum gas (LPG) and acetylene
– Fires involving electrical equipment up to 1000v
Specialist dry powder extinguishers are only used on flammable metals, such as titanium and magnesium.
Types of premises/business who may need Dry Powder extinguishers:
– Businesses using flammable gases for chemical processes
– Premises where welding and flame cutting takes place
– Garage forecourts
– Liquid petroleum gas (LPG) dispensing plants
– Premises with large, commercial boiler rooms