Hand Cleaner - Original 30gms

by Spanjaard

KES 100

High quality hand cleaner with grit plus lanolin and antiseptic to protect the skin.

Available in:
500g Plastic Tub (24 Units per carton)
5kg Plastic Tub (2 Units per carton) 

Model Number10203052


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High quality hand cleaner with grit plus lanolin and antiseptic to protect the skin.

Available in:
500g Plastic Tub (24 Units per carton)
5kg Plastic Tub (2 Units per carton) 

•    Extensively used by mechanics, motorists and “do-it-yourself”enthusiasts.

•    Contains a scouring agent, which readily removes ingrained dirt.

•    Contains disinfectants as well as detergents and therefore cleans effectively.

•    Conditions the skin and is antiseptic.